Auto ShutDown XP Professional with Auto Login 2003TRIALAuto ShutDown XP Professional ASD XP is the most advanced Auto ShutDown application on the market to date. The previous version of ASD was the first application of its kind to integrate unique functionality to give users complete control of shutdown...Read More Rating:
OfficePopup 2.30TRIALOfficePopup allows the management team to inform employees about any important events or incidents by sending messages to entire departments or individual users on your network. By default, OfficePopup allows your employees to send and receive...Read More Rating:
Cache & Cookie Washer 4.5TRIALYour browser records your Internet surfing habits. Netscape, Internet Explorer, AOL and many other web browsers all store copies of every web page you've visited, every picture viewed, and small text files called "cookies" placed by some web sites on...Read More Rating:
noHTML for Outlook Express 1.00TRIALProtect Outlook Express from Virus Attacks and Spam noHTML for Outlook Express noHTML for Outlook Express is an add-on that protects Outlook Express from email viruses and email scripts such as Nimda and SirCam. By converting incoming email...Read More Rating:
Note Pilot 1.00TRIALWe often use common phrases to fill out a web form, create a document, or write a private or business letter. The software is ready to save your time! Note Pilot himself will type in your frequently used texts wherever you want. You should just enter...Read More Rating:
Buddy Icon Grabber 1.04TRIALBuddy Icon Grabber is designed to extract high-quality icons from application files (exe, dll), icon files (ico), and icon list files (icl) and save to ico, bmp, jpg files without color disortion. Buddy Icon Grabber can import all icons from an exe,...Read More Rating:
ASCII Key 1.3TRIALASCII Key is a utility using unformatted text files (ASCII- or other character sets). It uses the platform "EXCEL(c) 97 / 2000 ". The main focus of the program is "comparing the contents of two text files", "identifying duplicate records" and...Read More Rating:
Network Password Changer 1.0FREEChanges password on multiple computers centrally. Ideal for centrally changing the Local Administrator password on a group of computers. Uses the currently logged in user and searches for computers on the network that the user can log in to as a...Read More Rating:
Aha Password and Info Manager 7.03.01TRIALYou can store ID, passwords, and all the information securely in your computer or our network server and access it from anywhere on the glove. Instead of typing or inconvenient copy-and-paste, you can just press hot key (Ctrl+1 for ID, Ctrl+2 for...Read More Rating:
My Personal Favorites 3.3TRIALIs your computer accessible by others? Do you browse the Internet at work? My Personal Favorites is a unique and essential privacy utility that keeps your favorite sites hidden from prying eyes, maintains user names and passwords in encrypted...Read More Rating:
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