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Reviews from the Category Security & Privacy

Review Screenshot - Can't Touch This
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.0.4 | Reviewed on Nov 13, 2017
Can't Touch This
A free system tool that Trend Micro has abandoned has found its home on SourceForge. HijackThis is used to view and manage the parts of your system's registries and storage that are commonly used by infiltrators. The primary function of HijackThis is to scan the registry directory and services list. It then displays all the relevant entries, with...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - WannaCry Ransomware Protection
Editor's rating:
Version: 4012598 | Reviewed on May 19, 2017
WannaCry Ransomware Protection
WannaCry ransomware is the most aggressive malware attack launched so far, affecting users in more than 150 countries. The ransomware uses vulnerabilities in older Windows versions (starting with Windows 8 and down) which allows spreading like a worm in Windows-based networks. Once a computer is infected, all files are encrypted and the personal...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Oh look, a relic!
Editor's rating:
Version: 3.9.44 | Reviewed on Mar 15, 2017
Oh look, a relic!
I was really intrigued by reading this application's description. "Y2K proofing"? That's almost a quarter of a century old subject. Who cares about that anymore? However, notes say that Cracklock also protects your computer from the Y10K bug (giggles) and also against the so called "sadistic 30 day virus", of which I've never...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Convenient and pretty much safe
Editor's rating:
Version: 8.3.7 | Reviewed on Dec 07, 2016
Convenient and pretty much safe
Having too many passwords to remember, but being too careful to let your browser remember them? How about hiring an application that solves the dilemma? Of course, entrusting all your sensitive data to an application is not a decision you can make lightly. Don't worry though. If you like, you can keep everything local, far from the prying eyes of...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - An extra guardsman
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.46 | Reviewed on Dec 07, 2016
An extra guardsman
In case you have recently pondered upon the efficiency of your antivirus, then you probably though about installing additional software. Unfortunately, having two or more antivirus suites doesn't bode well. It tends to consume much more resources and may also get in each other's way. Nevertheless, an application that is specifically designed not to...Continue to app