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Reviews from the Category Network & Internet

Review Screenshot - Audio Chop
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Nov 06, 2017
Audio Chop
I know of a popular video platform that's full of digital music albums. I'm also aware of several download sites that can rip albums from the platform mentioned above and turn them into mp3's. The only problem is that when all is set and done, you end up with big audio files instead of individual songs. What to do? Split them! mp3split can help you...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Network Knowledge is Network Power
Editor's rating:
Version: 4.3.2859 | Reviewed on Oct 24, 2017
Network Knowledge is Network Power
As a system administrator, you should know what's crawling through the company's computer network at all times. After all, if anything goes wrong with one computer station, it's user will quickly start pestering you. So you'd better have a technical overview of each computer. However, pen and paper is not an option when you're dealing with...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Slow, steady, and rather pointless
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Aug 29, 2017
Slow, steady, and rather pointless
It's the current year. Looking back in time to the first attempts at Internet peer-to-peer file sharing systems like the old Napster or eDonkey, we can only marvel at the grandiose advancement that BitTorrent represents. And using Shareaza will make you appreciate torrents even more. Don't get your hopes up. Shareaza is not a lightning fast...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Classic or Modern?
Editor's rating:
Version: 6.3 | Reviewed on Aug 24, 2017
Classic or Modern?
While still looking for an alternative to FileZilla, WinSCP appeared to be shinier. Of course, you can't have much to improve when the main function is to transfer files, but some small features may go a long way in helping you accomplish this with ease. WinSCP greets you with the option of running it in two modes. You can choose the rather...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - What? A Kaiju?!
Editor's rating:
Version: 3.17 | Reviewed on Aug 03, 2017
What? A Kaiju?!
There are plenty of options to choose from when you want to connect to a FTP server. Your browser can do it, your file manager can do it. Heck, even your grandma can do it nowadays. But in case file transfers aren't just something you do once per year, you might need some extra support and functionality. FileZilla can provide that. FileZilla is a...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - A cozy hub
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.4.6 | Reviewed on Jul 21, 2017
A cozy hub
There's something about IRC that I find endearing. Maybe it's because of anonymity, or maybe because it represents one of my first encounters with the Internet. ASL PLS and all that. Ares however is not about chatting, but about file sharing. Well, maybe it's both. Here we mainly have a peer-to-peer Bit Torrent application. That means you can...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - The Ultimate Experience
Editor's rating:
Version: 44.0 | Reviewed on Apr 05, 2017
The Ultimate Experience
Opera is back. And is more alluring than ever. In the current sociopolitical climate the vikings at Opera ASA have thought out a wonderful solution for those who need to keep their convictions as private as possible. It's called Free VPN! Not only that, but the new Opera also comes with increased functionality and care for ergonomics. I know that...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Clean Slate
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Feb 10, 2017
Clean Slate
It's ea$y when every font in the 'verse has a special character to accommodate your currency symbol. The Dollar sign is ubiquitous, the Euro sign is often printed on keyboards in Europe, but what if you want to use others? While I'm sure that most other scripts (not Roman) include characters for relevant currency, there's always a big hurdle when...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - There's no phantom here
Editor's rating:
Version: 38.0 | Reviewed on Jan 02, 2017
There's no phantom here
Although you do not need to wear a tie in order to browse with Opera, using such a fine software program requires a certain degree of respect. Whether you're using the Opera Turbo feature or enjoying the Discover mode, you must be appreciating it. Its noble interface and varied content will bestow grace and cadence over your desktop. Alright,...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Picky and lacking
Editor's rating:
Version: 0.0.1 | Reviewed on Dec 13, 2016
Picky and lacking
Sometimes, developers make the weirdest choices. Today we look at a browser add-on/extension that supposedly picks up torrent files just as you download them and connects to their trackers just like your favorite torrent client does. I say "supposedly" because ZTorrent is very picky when it comes to actually working. Torrent browser...Continue to app