Network Time System 2.6.1TRIALNetwork Time NTP Server is a NTP server for time synchronization that allows to sync of all computers and devices on the network clocks with Internet time servers or any other local source of synchronization. Network Time System allows creation of...Read More Rating:
Relay Timer 2.5.1TRIALcontrol multiple relay boards of National Control Devices, Robot Electronics and Velleman. It's fit for controlling lights, motors, pumps, bells, audio, video and other applications related with home automation, science experiment, industry...Read More Rating:
tSync 1.2FREESimple tool to synchronize system time over the Internet or over a network. Special features: (1) Stays invisible for a user, practically not taking any system resources and network bandwidth to operate; (2) Can sync time over the Internet using 16...Read More Rating:
NTP Server Tool 2.0FREEIt is a test tool that acts as a client to a NTP server. It reports on the responses it receives. You can specify how many requests to send and how large the time between requests. It is simply to test NTP Servers.Read More Rating:
AnalogX Atomic TimeSync 1.04FREEAnalogX Atomic TimeSync allows you to set your clock using the official timekeeping source of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST maintains the primary frequency (time) standards for the United States, and operates a...Read More Rating:
Net Time Server Client Net Time Server Client application allows you to synchronize your PC's system clock or all PC's system clock in your LAN using various time server types commonly available on TCP/IP networks, including LAN and Internet, and multiple time...Read More Rating:
NTP Time Zone Clock 3.0FREERunning on your PC this NTP Time Zone Clock will show you the local time of over 300 cities around the world. Simply select the cities you want to display the local time and they will be displayed on your desktop. With this NTP Time Zone Clock you...Read More Rating:
PresenTense NTP Auditor 5.0TRIALPresenTense NTP Auditor monitors your computers built-in clock and compares its time to the real time. Most computer clocks lose or gain time so within a few days, your computer does not show the real time. Many software packages claim to synchronize...Read More Rating:
FG Time Sync Time Sync utility can help you keep all your computers with the exact current time. Synchronize clock on your Desktop PC or Notebook, using time server available on TCP/IP networks such as the Internet or LAN. It can work as client or server....Read More Rating:
NTP Check 1.0FREEThe Galleon Systems NTP Server Check Tool is used to send NTP version 3 Client requests to a time server.Read More Rating:
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