NTv2Tools 8.00TRIALNTv2Tools Geosoftware provides tools for developing and processing of NTv2 files in binary and ASCII formats. With the included tools NTv2 files can be analyzed and graphically or textual displayed, they can be converted to other file formats and...Read More Rating:
metaf2xml 2.10FREEmetaf2xml can download, parse and decode aviation routine weather reports (METAR, SPECI, SAO), aerodrome forecasts (TAF), synoptic observations (SYNOP), observations from buoys (BUOY) and meteorological reports from aircrafts (AMDAR). Data can also...Read More Rating:
2D Frame Analysis Truss Edition 7.3.0TRIAL2D Frame Analysis - Truss Edition is a powerful application that can perform a wide range of calculations on 2Dtrusses. The structure can be drawn directly using the versatile featured user interface. The user can also import standard steel...Read More Rating:
2D Frame Analysis Static Edition 7.3.0TRIAL2D Frame Analysis - Static Edition is a powerful application that can perform a wide range of calculations on 2D structures (beams, trusses, frames etc.). The structure can be drawn directly using the versatile featured user interface. The user can...Read More Rating:
2D Frame Analysis Dynamic Edition 7.3.0TRIAL2D Frame Analysis - Dynamic Edition is a powerful application that can perform a wide range of calculations on 2D structures (beams, trusses, frames etc.). The structure can be drawn directly using the versatile featured user interface. The user...Read More Rating:
Celestia 1.6.1FREEReviewedCelestia comes with a large catalog of stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and spacecraft. If that's not enough, you can download dozens of easy to install add-ons with more objects. The exponential zoom feature lets you explore space...Read More Rating:
Resistor Color Bands PC 1.1FREEResistor Color Bands is a free application designed to be a simple tool that displays resistor color codes and values. Resistor Color Bands can be used as a learning tool for students studying in electronics or simply use it to categorize resistors...Read More Rating:
Point Forecaster 2.9FREEComprehensive Hourly Forecasting For Any Location In The United States. All Data Is Taken From The National Weather Service. Features Include Weather Conditions, Precipitations, Temperatures, Dew Points, Wind Speeds, Wind Directions, Cloud Covers And...Read More Rating:
Electric Eddy Board Game 1.02FREEElectric Eddy educational science board game. Move around the circuit to learn about the components and how much energy they use. Answer the questions correctly and use the most efficient components to save energy and win the game. Based around the...Read More Rating:
AsperhelpList 0.1TRIALCatalog of Russian and international scientific journals and Russian dissertation councils with smart search functions. The database of program contains 2269 Russian journals, 32059 international journals, 5443 dissertation councils, and the list of...Read More Rating:
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