MS Developer Studio AddIn 1.0.4701TRIALFEATURES: (1) #define expander. Learn what will happen to your code when all #define and #include dirrectives are executed. (2) Easily insert pieces of C/C++ code. I am sure you have a piece of code that is migrating from project to project. Now...Read More Rating:
cub scouts crest badge 1.0TRIALThis is a cub scouts crest badge for your desktop or phone main screen. 2x2this is not a appTo install , go into Widget menu by holding the screen and select scoutcrest. any issues , please email . thanksRead More Rating:
DbSchema 9.6.5TRIALDbSchema is a desktop application for database design and management, schema design in a team, HTML5 database schema documentation, visual edit SQL queries, data visualization and editor. Saving the schema structure to the design model file enables...Read More Rating:
Software License software 5.01.26TRIALA software license is a legal instrument managing the usage or redistribution of copyright protected software. Skater .NET Licenser is Software Authorization tool designed specifically to help secure .NET software programs and to provide license...Read More Rating:
Japplis Toolbox For Mac 5.9FREEJapplis Toolbox is a compilation of text utilities in one application. It can encode and decode URL, Base64, Hex, ROT13, ROT47, Java unicode, Volapuk. It can convert numbers from/to binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal and to date....Read More Rating:
Japplis Toolbox Pro 5.9TRIALJapplis Toolbox Pro is a compilation of text utilities in one application. It can encode and decode URL, Base64, Hex, ROT13, ROT47, Java unicode, Volapuk. It can convert numbers from/to binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal and to date....Read More Rating:
Japplis Toolbox Pro For Linux 5.9TRIALJapplis Toolbox Pro is a compilation of text utilities in one application. It can encode and decode URL, Base64, Hex, ROT13, ROT47, Java unicode, Volapuk. It can convert numbers from/to binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal and to date....Read More Rating:
Japplis Toolbox For Linux 5.9FREEJapplis Toolbox is a compilation of text utilities in one application. It can encode and decode URL, Base64, Hex, ROT13, ROT47, Java unicode, Volapuk. It can convert numbers from/to binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal and to date. It gives you text...Read More Rating:
Japplis Toolbox Pro For Mac 5.9TRIALJapplis Toolbox Pro is a compilation of text utilities in one application. It can encode and decode URL, Base64, Hex, ROT13, ROT47, Java unicode, Volapuk. It can convert numbers from/to binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal and to date....Read More Rating:
Japplis Toolbox 5.9FREEJapplis Toolbox is a compilation of text utilities in one application. It can encode and decode URL, Base64, Hex, ROT13, ROT47, Java unicode, Volapuk. It can convert numbers from/to binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal and to date. It gives you text...Read More Rating:
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