NotePager Pro 5.1TRIALSend SMS or text messages to anyone, anywhere any time. Messages can be sent through a modem or the Internet. Communication is critical in todays competitive business world. NotePager Pro allows small businesses to compete in big business, by...Read More Rating:
SMS and MMS Toolkit 5.0TRIALSMS and MMS ActiveX component for Windows. Send and receive SMS messages via a GSM/GPRS modem (incl. WaveCom, MultiTech, Siemens, Motorola, Falcom Samba), HTTP-POST provider, SMPP provider or TAP/UCP provider. Send and receive MMS messages via MM1...Read More Rating:
NotePager Net 3.7TRIALA full feature network paging software that allows for all users on a network to share a commmon modem, phone line and database to facilitate the sending of text messages to pagers, cellular phones or other messaging devices. Features allow for group...Read More Rating:
SMS-it 4.0.0TRIALSMS-it! allows you to send a short message (SMS Short Message Service) to a mobile phone using your computer. SMS-it supports Picture messages, Caller Group Graphic, Operator Logo, Ringtones and Flash SMS. The messages can be sent through an attached...Read More Rating:
NotePager 32 3FREENotePager 32 is one of the leading wireless / SMS software applications for small businesses and home users. Text or SMS messages are quickly sent to to alphanumeric pagers, and/or cell phones from an easy to use Windows program. NotePager is elegant...Read More Rating:
Diafaan SMS Server - basic edition SMS Server is a powerful and easy to use SMS gateway for 3G/GSM modems and SMPP SMS providers. It is designed for professional users, looking for an easy way to integrate two-way SMS into their IT system. After installation, the program...Read More Rating:
OfficeIntercom Communication Software 5.02TRIALOfficeIntercom lets you use your computer to speak to others over the internet or your local office computer network. For security or privacy, OfficeIntercom can also encrypt the voice with private key strong encryption. Features: * Encrypt your...Read More Rating:
SMS/MMS SDK 2.0TRIALSMS/MMS ActiveX component for Windows, to send and receive SMS and MMS messages. Support for GSM/GPRS modems and SMPP service centers. Features: delivery reports, Unicode, multi-part, ringtones, pictures, WAP bookmarks, WAP push, Flash. Samples...Read More Rating:
Air Messenger SNPP 8.0.0TRIALAir Messenger SNPP allows you to send alphanumeric pages to Pagers and Digital Cellular Phone via the Internet through a SNPP Gateway such as Nextel, PageMart, Skytel, and others. The use of Air Messenger SNPP in your company can save you money by...Read More Rating:
Air Messenger Lite 8.0.0TRIALAir Messenger Lite is a simple to use Alphanumeric Paging Software that allows you to send alphanumeric messages to Pagers and Digital Cellular Phone. The use of Air Messenger in your company can save you money by sending messages to your company...Read More Rating:
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LATEST ADDITIONSin Communications / Pager ToolsOfficeIntercom Communication Software2022-10-21 Virtual Webcamera Splitter2015-12-28 Video Chat Splitter2015-04-28 SMS Wizard LITE2015-04-27 SMS-it2015-04-27 SMS/MMS SDK2015-04-27 SMS and MMS Toolkit2015-04-27 View All Top Additions