PEEI program PEEI calculates a numerical solution of every solvable system of partial differential equations. This version has the following improvements over the previous ones. Have been improved the GUI, the management of the...Read More Rating:
PhysPro Fluid Properties Fluid Properties is a physical properties estimation software that uses two powerful databases, both databases include over 558 fluids (including 60 common refrigerants). The software also include humid air properties and has the ability to...Read More Rating:
ThermalWall calculates the fundamental thermal characteristics of a wall composed of multiple homogeneous flat layers, whose inner and outer surfaces are submitted to sinusoidal variations of temperature and/or heat flow. This characteristics...Read More Rating:
Cross Section Analysis and Design 5.6.8TRIALCross Section Analysis And Design is a powerful application that can perform a wide range of cross section calculations, including the design of reinforced concrete sections. It can handle any arbitrary cross section under biaxial bending and axial...Read More Rating:
ChemMaths 18.0TRIALChemMaths is a engineering,mathematical and chemistry program. In addition interfaces with media player to allow playing of music,videos, ripping,burning cd's and includes a web browser to further solve problems, obtain information using the web....Read More Rating:
ProsimGraphsPro 11.0TRIALProsimGraphsPro is a process simulation package. Allows for pipe flow processes to be to be simulated. Vessels, pumps, valves can be added and controls manipulated for various situations. Contains many predefined mathematical graph equations....Read More Rating:
Mixed Polynomial And Trig Approximations 1.00TRIALApproximates continuous functions in 1 to 4 independent variables by finite power and/or trigonometric series. The program fits the function exactly at the grid points.Read More Rating:
Mixed Poly/Trig Approximations (Table) 1.00TRIALApproximates tabulated functions in 1 to 4 independent variables by finite power and/or trigonometric series. The program fits the function exactly at the grid points.Read More Rating:
EnergyProbe 5.4.5TRIALEnergyProbe is a leading edge Windows desktop application designed for use by utility load researchers, account managers, building performance simulation engineers and energy consultants to help explore, summarize and analyze electric and gas load...Read More Rating:
CmapTools 6.01.01FREEReviewedConstruct, Navigate, Share and Criticize The IHMC CmapTools software empowers users to construct, navigate, share and criticize knowledge models represented as concept maps. It allows users to, among many other features, construct their Cmaps in...Read More Rating:
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